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Express News:Full-Scale Multi-Lane Free Flow ETC in Taiwan
On 30 December 2013, Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (TANFB) and Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co. (FETC) announced that the new multi-lane free flow electronic tolling system is officially on line. With 319 toll sites, Taiwan ETC has become the largest RFID-based ETC system with distance-based toll charging in the world.

After three months of MLFF operation, FETC made public that the RFID-based ETC system is running smoothly with a vehicle detection rate of 99.98% and a toll accuracy rate of 99.9998%, according to the third party daily auditor commissioned by the government. These rates far exceed the performance criteria set by the government in the concession agreement.

Well-planned project management

Over the past 9 months, FETC managed to build 319 gantries nationwide with the end to end RFID-based ETC system developed with their Taiwan solution provider, YDT Technology, from initial system design to final implementation and actual operations. The well-planned project management process allowed them to fulfill the BOT concession requirements specified by the government.

Innovative Architecture

Instead of double-gantry architecture, FETC developed the “Single gantry” MLFF ETC system architecture which is more cost effective and appearance friendly. Also, FETC was able to build the gantry across north- and south-bound lanes on the freeway.

High Penetration Rate

The ISO 18000-6C RFID tags was launched starting on 11 May 2012. By the end of December 2013, over 76 percent of vehicles in Taiwan had been equipped with these eTags. Today, the current ETC penetration rate is 94% which represents near 5.8 million vehicles are equipped with an eTag. This is a great achievement that other ETC systems have never achieved.

The MLFF ETC has been a tremendous project in Taiwan’s history. From the project planning, new solution adoption and implementation to official operations, the success represents the dedication put in by TANFB and FETC teams. This MLFF ETC system opens a new paradigm in the history of ITS. For further information, please refer to: 


John Sun, President of ITS Taiwan
S. K. Jason Chang, Vice President of ITS Taiwan
22 April 2014